Mintor Vertical Visual Level Indicators
Hydraulic vertical level indicator with single thread, 3/8" BSP, L=50, GLVS1G
Hydraulic vertical level indicator with double thread, 3/8" BSP, L=500, GLV1G
Hydraulic vertical level indicator with double electrical contact 3/8" BSP, L=500 GLVE1G
Hydraulic vertical level indicator with double thread, with pyrex glass and protection, 3/8" BSP, L=127, GLVX1G
Hydraulic vertical level indicator with electric contact, Length 127mm PLE2
Vertical level indicator with bimetallic thermometer, M10, Length 109mm
Vertical Visual Level Indicators For Hydraulic Systems
Being able to quickly and effectively judge the amount of liquid remaining in a hydraulic system is an essential asset for most operators. Whilst dipsticks and sight glasses are effective means of judging the state of the oil, they both have their issues, whether that is relating to the time it takes to judge the liquid or the reliability of the view itself.
Vertical visual level indicators are a quick and reliable way of measuring the amount of liquid left in a system and are essential for most larger machines, where a sudden drop in the hydraulic fluid can cause lasting damage to the various components of the system.
Flowfit: Leading UK Provider of Hydraulic System Components and Accessories
Here at Flowfit Online, we offer a diverse range of vertical visual level indicators to ensure that you can continue to operate your system at its peak efficiency and reduce the risk of lasting damage. With our variety of reliable products, you can enjoy the benefits of a quick and easy process, which can save you both time and money.
For more information, get in touch with our team of dedicated hydraulic specialists today on 01584 876033.