Clean Wood Burners And Hydraulic Log Splitters
The US Environmental Protection Agency has gathered a lot of heat recently (pun intended) as their latest regulations have resulted in around 80% of existing wood-burning stoves to be banned. It is true that past designs of wood-burning stoves have been proven to have dangerous effects on the user’s health. However, with healthier models available, these new regulations could have a great effect on the air quality of places which do use wood-burning stoves.
Although less popular here in the UK, there are still hundreds of families who choose to warm their homes with wood-burning stoves, or enjoy the simple delights of a bonfire with perfectly cut wood. To truly make the most out of these features, hydraulic log splitters are a fantastic way of safely and easily cutting wood into manageable sections.
The Dangers Of Wood Smoke
Wood smoke can be a serious health hazard, if burned or managed incorrectly. In fact, in many parts of the United States, it can be responsible for more than 80% of all air particulate matter – this can result in air quality worse than that of Beijing.
The official statement by the EPA claimed that ‘smoke for wood-burning stoves and fireplaces contain a mixture of gases and particles. Small particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter pose the greatest problems, because they can get deep into the lungs, and some may even get into the bloodstream.’
Wood-burning stoves that meet the new regulations will reduce dangerous particle emissions by around 70% and carbon monoxide emissions by around 65%. Not only will these wood burners result in less damage to the environment, but they will also offer much more heat for their users.
The Benefits Of Hydraulic Log-Splitters
In much the same way that hydraulic log-splitters are just as efficient, but more environmentally conscious, than their gas burning peers, modern wood-burning stoves are much more efficient and result in much cleaner air quality than their archaic counterparts.
Hydraulic log-splitters are favoured over their gas or electric competitors due to their simplicity of design and reliability of service. Whilst they do take much of the work out of the process, hydraulic log splitters still require effort on the part of their users. In fact, many domestic operators incorporate wood-splitting into their exercise regimen.

For Reliable, Cost-Effective Hydraulic Log Splitters, Choose Flowfit
Here at Flowfit, we are proud to offer an extensive range of hydraulic log-splitter parts, kits and components to ensure that you can operate your wood-burning stove at its peak efficiency. To cut your wood supply into manageable, efficient pieces, you cannot afford to miss out on the wonderful benefits that a hydraulic log-splitter can provide.
For more information, contact us directly on 01584 876 03301584 876 033 or email our specialists with your questions at Alternatively, for any product queries that you might have, you can use our simple online contact form to get in touch, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
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